Industrial units are adopting modern technologies, But depletion of energy resources, Rising rates of fossil fuels & changes in environmental conditions such that global warming & ozone layer depletion is major concern. Both industrialization & environmental safety are important. That's why industries are looking forward for energy saving projects. 

Energy saving comprises using the available energy; which can be in any form whether it is in chemical form or in Electrical form or whatever the form it has; in an efficient manner so that losses & overall cost get reduced. Energy saving is not a single or a one day step instead it is continuous process which demands continuous commitment through all the possible directions. 

In this post, we will talk about some of the industrial tactics for ENERGY SAVING.


1. Data Recordings

2. Periodic Machine's Audit

3. Periodic Lines Audit

4. Proper Temperature Insulation

5. Heat Recovery units 

6. Adopt modern efficient machines

7. Automation & Modification

8. Selection of Energy Resources


Data recordings includes recording of any type of consumable which requires energy to get produce or to store or to deliver. Such as records of electricity consumption, Water consumption & product consumption.

Regular Continuous recording help us to detect any type of deviation, Leakages or loose points in the system. After finding the loose point, we can arrange an impactful plan to eliminate the losses so that aim of energy saving been achieved.

Energy saving gets justified only when we have previous data to compare with, Without comparison we can't say anything that how much energy is been saved that's why data recording is the first & most important step towards energy saving.

An excel sheet showing Electricity consumption records
An excel sheet showing Electricity consumption records


It doesn't matter; the type of the industry; Machines are always there which are the integral part of industry. New machines are silent, smooth & efficient but as times passes; Changes get generated such that excessive noise, Excessive heat & vibration.

These changes produces losses in the system & & in total reduced efficiency. To eliminate the losses & to maintain the desired efficiency, Periodic machine's audit should be there To monitor & record the physical parameters such as noise, vibration & heat. If any abnormality observed than corrective measures should be applied. For example, If there is excessive noise & vibration in the machine than we should check for the lubrication & bearings. 

This audit we can also consider as preventive maintenance schedule which reduces the chances of unwanted unpredictable breakdowns. 

All the audit reports should be recorded so that it is easier to trace out the changes.

Temperature gun shows induction motor's body temperature
Temperature gun shows induction motor's body temperature


Whatever the type of industry; we are working in, The flow line is always there whether it is compressed air, water, steam, oil, fuel or any type of product line. As time passes leakages in the line is possible that's why periodic audit should be there to detect any type of leakages. Leakages produces excess Burdon on the system with excess consumed energy.

This audit includes recording the line size, The flow through the lines & the compatibility of the line whether its size & material composition is according to the material flowing through the line.


Temperature is very important parameter in industry, Both hot & cold temperature ranges are important. Every product or process has a particular defined temperature range upon which desired product been obtained.

Temperature controlling machines such that air conditioners are designed to work as closed loop cycle such that compressor get switched off when desired temperature get achieved. It remains shut until temperature crosses a certain level, But what will happen if continuous heat loss is there !
At that condition, Compressor will remains in running condition without taking any type rest. This is not only good for compressor but also not good for energy saving point of view.

Temperature driven processes or area should be well insulated to eliminate the heat loss or we can say  energy loss.


1st thing-As discussed, HOT & COLD both the temperature ranges are important in industry. But to maintain that particular range, Huge energy demand is there. This energy demand can be in the form of electrical energy or in the form of chemical energy or in some another mode of energy.

2nd thing- In some machines, While running; excessive heat get generated. To maintain the machine's temperature at a certain level, External devices are being connected. For example water cooled air compressor unit In which a cooling tower lowers the temperature of heated machine oil from air compressor unit.

Here we are talking about heat recovery units in which Removed heat from the machine can be used in some another system. For Example, Heat eliminated by air compressors can be used to get a hot Water.


List down the outdated old machines & replace them with highly efficient modern machines. 70% of industrial load is electrical motor which means by just changing the old electrical motors with highly efficient motors such that IE3 & IE4 motors, Energy can be saved up to great extent. 

IE3 & IE4 are international efficiency standards through which electrical motors are being categorized according to efficiency & frame size. IE4 (super premium) motors are more efficient than IE3(premium) motors. Efficiency increase as rating increase such as IE1<IE2<IE3<IE4 .

The table format published below shows the Efficiency classification of IE2 & IE3 in accordance with IS:12615-2011.

Efficiency classification of IE2 & IE3 in accordance with IS:12615-2011
Efficiency classification of IE2 & IE3 in accordance with IS:12615-2011

A valuable calculation of energy consumption comparison been explained below in which IE1 & IE3 motors are been compared. In a year, Rs.21226 can be save through IE3 motor if comparing with IE1 motor.
Energy consumption comparison between IE1 & IE3 motors
Energy consumption comparison between IE1 & IE3 motors


Automation with PLC

Adoption of latest advance machine is difficult some times due the high initial investment. But a little change or modification in the existing system can produce a great change. 
An automation can arrange the system in such a way that system runs only in required conditions rather than continuous running condition.

An automation can arrange the system where the level of energy consumption varies according to requirement. For Example:  Replacing the starters with variable speed drives so that motor runs at full speed when required otherwise motor runs at lower speed. 


A single work has multiple ways to get to be done, The way we choose which suits best to us. Similarly, The selection of energy resources depend upon its availability, cost, storage & method of usage. All that selection methods are accountable for best selection which directly or indirectly produces impact on total annual operating cost.

To understand this in a better way a comparison between induction furnace & gas fired furnace discussed below which is been taken from published papers by Professor Mr. Umit Unver(Turkey). In this comparison, It is clearly seen that installation cost of induction furnace is costlier than gas fired furnace BUT total annual operating cost of Gas-fired furnace is more than the induction furnace.

Comparison between Natural gas fired & Induction Furnace
Comparison between Natural gas fired & Induction Furnace By Professor Mr. Umit Unver

Hope, You like the post. If you have any doubt, Suggestion or query please do comments !

Sanjeev Kumar

Engineer Electrical Maintenance ! Working In the field of Electrical Maintenance Industrial.

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